Venom was an orphan rescued by the Assassin's Guild. He showed promise except for one thing: he was reluctant to kill people. The Guild was prepared to execute him when he was rescued by the former leader of the Guild, Zato-1. Zato saw Venom's potential and took him in for his own apprentice. Venom is eternally grateful to Zato for this, and even pledges his loyalty to him even though Zato is dead.Around this time, Zato-1 goes missing, so Venom sets off to find his master. Eventually, he finds Zato-1, but Eddie has almost taken complete control of Zato-1. In one ending, Venom defeats Eddie, but Zato seems to be inert, if not catatonic. In the other ending, Venom feigns defeat to lure Eddie into his own body, whereupon he reveals his trickery to Eddie and indicates that he will sacrifice himself to kill Eddie and save Zato.Venom's story mode begins with Slayer's dissolution of the Assassins Guild. Angry at the perceived disrespect for Zato-1's authority as leader of the Guild (albeit a missing one), Venom decides to train himself to increase his skills and eventually take on Slayer as a way of protecting all that Venom has left of Zato. In one of his endings, Venom meets and defeats Slayer, although, as Slayer wryly points out, Venom is still not strong enough to destroy him. Venom apparently couldn't care less, as he then proceeds to lock up Slayer in a chained, iron coffin. In another ending, Venom is distracted by a chance encounter with Eddie and gives chase. He catches up soon, but after fighting and defeating Eddie, he soon collapses and dies. In his third ending, he also meets Eddie by accident, but when he finds him, Millia has already defeated Eddie and killed Zato. Enraged, Venom kills Millia and then pledges his loyalty and life to Zato's soul.
毒液是被暗殺者的公會救出的一個孤兒。 他除了一件事物以外顯示諾言: 他不願殺人。 當他被公會, Zato-1 的前領袖救出了的時候,公會準備執行他。 Zato 看見毒液潛能而且帶了他在對於他自己的學徒。 即使 Zato 死,毒液為這永恆地感謝 Zato,而且甚至對他保證他的忠誠。在附近這次, Zato-1 不見,因此,毒液出發發現他的主人。 最後,他發現 Zato-1 ,但是艾迪已經幾乎採取 Zato-1 的完全控制。 在一個終止中,毒液擊敗艾迪,但是 Zato 似乎是惰性的,如果不是緊張性精神症。 在另一個終止中,毒液假裝失敗引誘艾迪進入他自己的身體,因此他跟艾迪顯示他的欺騙而且指出他將犧牲他自己殺艾迪而且解救 Zato 。毒液的故事模態由殺害者的暗殺者公會分解開始。 生氣的在被感覺的不敬對於 Zato-1'如公會 (雖然一個不見的)的領袖的 s 當局, 毒液決定訓練他自己增加他的技術而且最後接受殺害者當做保護的方法所有的毒液已經 Zato 留下。在他的終止之一中,毒液遇見而且擊敗殺害者,雖然,當殺害者扭歪地指出之時,毒液仍然不是強勁地足夠破壞他。毒液顯然地無法關心比較少量,當他之時然後收入在殺害者上面鎖在一用鐵鍊鎖住,鐵靈柩。 在另一個終止中,毒液被和艾迪的一次機會相會分心而且提供追求。 他很快追趕,但是在對抗而且擊敗艾迪之後,他很快崩潰而且死。 在他的第三個終止中,他也遇到意外事件的艾迪,但是當他發現他的時候, Millia 已經擊敗艾迪而且殺 Zato 了。激怒,毒液殺 Millia 然後保證他的忠誠和 Zato 的靈魂的生活。 


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